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Aimsirean Eile/ The Other Seasons

Jun 15, 2011
Posted by Angus MacLeod

Aimsirean Eile

Samhradh ann an Ceap Breatainn -- 'S gann a bhios oidhch' ann 'nuair nach bi dà no trì tachartasan do 'm bu toil leam a dhol. Cuirmeam-ciùil, dannsaichean, luaidhean, ceilidhean, agus iomadh àite far am bi measgachadh dhiubh agus a' bharrachd ri fhaicinn 's ri chluinntinn.

Bidh luchd-tadhail ann á caochladh ceàrn' air feadh an t-saoghail 's iad ri éisdeachd, ri fhaicinn, ri ghabhail pàirt ann am fearas-chuideachd air choireigin. Bidh tallaichean nan coimhearsnachd làn de luchd-turuis, luchd ionadail, càirdean air tilleadh dhachaidh air saor-laithean, feadhainn òg' air tighinn dhachaidh far nan oilthighean, agus eile. Ach chan e sin na th' ann an Ceap Breatainn uile gu léir idir.

'Mach ás na mìosan sin, an t-Ògmhios, an Iuchar, 's an Lunasdal, cha bhi sinn 'nar cadal-a'-gheamhraidh! Ged nach bi na h-aimsirean eile cho trang ris an t-Samhradh, faodar gun teagamh tachartasan fhaighinn a bhios ceangailte ris a' Ghàidhlig.

Gu sònraichte measg nam mìosan eile, bidh an Céitean ( Mìos na Gàidhlig ann an Alba Nuaidh ) a' fàs loma-làn de chùisean Ghàidhlig, eadar buth-obrach, cuirmean-ciùil, laithean teagaisg / ionnsachaidh, taisbeanaidhean, agus rudan eile. Ma choimheadas duine air an duilleag-lìn seo: ( http://www.gaelic.ca/calendar.php ) faodar fios fhaighinn air na rudan a bhios a' dol air adhairt ann an cuid de mhìosan ri tighinn, agus chan ann gann a tha iad ann am mìos sam bith!

Ach bidh sibh a' smaointinn air an sìde! 'S e an fhìrinn a th' ann nach urrainn do dhuine dòchas a chuir ann an sìde eadar an Dubhlachd 's am Màirt ann a' seo, ach eadar an Giblean 's an Samhainn, chan eil e duilich a bhith siùbhal mu 'n cuairt air an eilean idir.

A 's t-fhoghair, aig àm na féiseadh Celtic Colours, bidh na beanntan 'gan comhdachadh le dathan, agus is fìor bhòidheach 'ad. 'Sa Gheamhradh bidh sneachd geal air feadh an eilein agus chan fhaicear laithean na 's soilleire na iad re 'n bhliadhna. A 's t-Earrach bidh a h-uile nì a' tilleadh do bheatha ùr agus ceilearadh nan eun 's nan losgannan "peeper" ri 'n cluinntinn 's a latha 's a dh' ouidhche.

Tha iomadh rud tlachdmhor ri fhaighinn ann an Ceap Breatainn, agus cothroman a bhith 'g ionnsachadh 's a' cluinntinn na Gàidhlig air feadh na bliadhna. Ma bhios fàth agaibh thighinn ann anns na h-aimsirean eile, gheibhear cùisean ceangailte ris a' Ghàidhlig ann am mìos sam bith.


The Other Seasons

Summer in Cape Breton - there's hardly a night there won't be two or three events that I'd like to go to. Concerts, dances, millings, ceilidhs, and many places where there'll be a mixture of them and more besides, to be seen and heard.

There will be visitors here from various places throughout the world, to listen, to see, and to take part in some entertainment or other. Local halls will be filled with tourists, locals, relatives who've returned home for their holidays, young people home from universities, and others. But that's not all there is to Cape Breton at all.

Outside of those months, June, July, and August, we don't hibernate! Although the other seasons aren't so busy as the summer, events with Gaelic content can be found, no doubt.

During the other months, May ( Gaelic Month in Nova Scotia ) is especially full of Gaelic events, between workshops, concerts, days for learning, exhibitions, and other things. If you look at this web page: ( http://www.gaelic.ca/calendar.php ) you can find information about the events that will be going on in the next few months, and they're not scarce in any month!

But you'll be wondering about the weather! It's true that you can't trust the weather between December and March here, but between April and November, it's not difficult to travel around the island.

In the fall, at the time of the Celtic Colours Féis, the mountains are covered with colors and they're truly beautiful. In the winter there's white snow all over the island and you'll not see brighter days during the year. In the spring everything's returning to new life and birdsong and peepers can be heard day and night.

There are much to be found in Cape Breton that is enjoyable, and chances to learn and hear Gaelic throughout the year. If you have a reason to come here during these other seasons, you'll find events connected to Gaelic during any month at all.


Samhradh ann an Ceap Breatainn / Summer in Cape Breton

Aimsirean Eile / Other Seasons

luaidhean / millings

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