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Mìos na Gàidhlig / Gaelic Month
Tha Mìos na Gàidhlig a' tighinn dlùth ann an Alba Nuaidh. 'S e sin mìos 'nuair a nìthear greadhnachas ann an iomadh dòigh air sgàth na Gàidhlig, staid na Gàidhlig mar a tha e an diugh agus a h-uile h-oidhirp a chaidh a dheanamh air a son ré nam bliadhnaichean.
Tha cus a' dol air adhart airson 's gun innsinn dhuibh gun a bhith fàgail amach rudeigin cudtromach 's mar sin, faodaidh sibh coimhead air a' mhìosachan aig an làrach-lìn Comhairle na Gàidhlig an seo.
Na àit' a bhith amach air na tachartasan, bidh cuspair eile agam.
Bidh móran a' gabhail àite mar thachartasan far an cruinnichear sluagh de dhaoine, ach cha téid aig a h-uile duine a bhith ann. Bidh obair againn agus dleasannasan eile a chuireas bacadh oirnn, ged bu toil leinn a dhol ann. Mar sin, carson nach dean sinn rudan leinn fhéin? Chan e an aon dòigh a th' againn a bhith am measg sluaigh mhóir. Faodar cor na Gàidhlig a leasachadh le aon duine leis fhéin!
Dh' fhaodamaid ùrachadh a chuir air na duilleagan "Facebook" againn a sheallas ceòl no sgeulachdan no seanfhacal Gàidhlig d' ar caraidean. Dh' fhaodamaid sanas a chuir ann air na bhios a' dol air adhart airson Mìos na Gàidhlig faisg oirnn no ann an àiteachan eile.
Nan deigheadh dithis no triùir do thaigh bìdh ( mar eisimpleir ) còmhla gus bruidhinn 'sa Ghàidhlig, nach togadh sin faicsinneachd ar cànain? Bhiodh e gu math feumail do na daoine a bhiodh 'ga bruidhinn cuideachd!
Ma dh' éigheas réiceadair oirbh air an fhòn, bruidhinn 'sa Ghàidhlig ris! Tha làn fhios agam cho mór 's a chòrdas sin riu.
Is còir dhuinn cumail 'nar cuimhne gun téid againn air cor na Gàidhlig a leasachadh le bhith leasachadh na th' againn fhìn dhi. Faodaidh sinn òran no abairtean a dh' ionnsachadh, rudeigin a sgrìobhadh, ar n-eachdraidh a leughadh. Faodaidh sinn bruidhinn ri na daoine aig a bheil Gàidhlig bho 'n glùn gus innis dhaibh cho cudtromach a tha iad dhuinn agus taing a thoirt dhaibh airson na h-uiread a thug iad dhuinn.
Faodar marag a dheasachadh, no sgadain bhiorach, gàradh no lusan a chuir, ceilidh a chuir air ar nàbaidhean agus rudan mar sin mar is tric a rinn iad fhéin. Bidh na gnìomhan sin soirbheachail dhuinne cuideachd!
Tha smaointean eile agam ach chan eil àite gu leòir ann air an son! Suas dhuibh-se! Dé ur beachdan fhéin?
Ged a nì oifisean 'is institiùdan obair air leth feumail dhuinn, chan iadsan no coinneamhan no cruinneachaidhean a bheir gu ìre na 's àirde sinn, ach na gnìomhan a nì gach uile duine leis fhéin. Gum bi Mìos mór agaibh uile!
Gaelic Month
Gaelic Month is approaching in Nova Scotia. This is a month when Gaelic, the state of Gaelic as it is today and all the work that has been done on it's behalf are celebrated
There's too much going on for me to tell you without leaving something important out and therefore you can look at the calendar at the Gaelic Council's website here.
Instead of talking about the events, I'll have another subject.
A lot of events will be happening where a lot of people will gather, but not everyone can be there. We have work and other obligations that prevent us, even though we'd like to be there. Well then, why don't we do things on our own? It isn't our only option to be with a great crowd. The state of Gaelic can be improved by one person alone!
Perhaps we could update our Facebook pages with something that shows Gaelic music or stories or a proverb to our friends. We could put a message in about what's happening for Gaelic Month in our community or in other places.
If two or three people were to go to a restaurant (for example) and spoke Gaelic, wouldn't that raise the profile of our language? It would be helpful to the speakers too!
If a telemarketer calls you, speak to him in Gaelic. I know from experience how much they appreciate that.
We must remember that we improve the status of Gaelic by improving what we ourselves have of it. We can learn a song, write something, read or watch our history. We can speak to those who are native speakers and tell them how important they are to us and thank them for all they've given to us.
We could make marag or "sharp herring", plant a garden or plants, visit our neighbors and other things like that, as they often did themselves. These actions are good for us too!
I have other ideas, but there's no room for them all! It's up to you! What are your ideas?
Although offices and institutions do extremely important work for us, it's neither they nor meetings nor gatherings that will take Gaelic to a higher level, but the actions of each and every person on his own. Hope you have a great Gaelic Month!