Mur an cuala sibh an t-ainm “Còig” gu ruige seo, tha mi làn cinnteach gun cluinn. ‘S e seo buidheann ciùil ùr anns a bheil cearthrar òigridh ás an eilean Cheap Breatainn agus aonar o ‘n mhór-thìr Albainn Nuaidh.
The Scottish Gaelic influence is strong in Nova Scotia. Our very name New Scotland embodies it. You can find it at the Colaisde Na Gàidhlig/Gaelic College in St. Ann’s and at the Highland Village/An Clachan Gàidhealach in Iona. Our Celtic culture greets…
When I worked in the festival world people would often ask what my real or full time job was. I guess this is understandable if you've never looked behind the scenes at a music festival. All most people see is…
Ma shuidh sibh riamh ag éisdeachd ri sgeul 'ga h-innse, no ma dh' éisd sibh ri Stiùbhart Mac 'Illeathain air a' ChBC, bidh làn fhios agaibh air cho tlachdmhor 'sa tha e sgeul tarruingeach a chluinntinn aig seanchaidh coileanta seach…
It’s interesting how language is influenced and changes over time. I started travelling to Scotland in the mid 90’s and loved hearing the shopkeepers say “cheers” when they handed over my purchase. Ten years later I began to hear the…
If you ask most people where they can hear Celtic music they would likely answer Scotland and Ireland. An increasing number of folks would also think of Cape Breton because of our living Gaelic culture.
It would surprise some people…
I made my first trip to Scotland in January of 1996. The purpose of the visit was to conduct research at the Celtic Connections Festival in Glasgow. My business partner and I had hatched the idea to create what would…
Ann an dualchas nan Gàidheal bidh iomadh seòrsa ciùil ri 'n cluinntinn, ged nach cluinnear iad uile gu tric na làithean. Ma théid duine gu cuirm-ciùil no "ceilidh" mar a chanas iad, a 's dòcha gur e puirt á beul…
Mar a sgrìobhas mi am blog seo, bidh a' bhliadhn' ùr a' teannadh oirnn a rithist agus mu 'n àm seo gach bliadhna tòisichidh mi ri smaointinn air na mìosan 'sa Ghàidhlig 'is 'sa Bheurla.
'S mór mo thoileachas gum…
Tha mi an còmhnuidh toilichte leis an uiread de Ghàidhlig a bhios ri fhaotainn an duigh tro iomadh meadhan – ma bhios fios agaibh càit' am faighear iad! Bu toil leam fios a chuir thugaibh air programan ris a dh'…