Picture it… a hill full of people, young and old, on benches and on blankets tapping their feet to the lively Cape Breton fiddle tunes being played on the stage below.
This scene is one witnessed every year at the…
Le cuideachd Oifis Iomairtean na Gàidhlig, bidh Bebh Brett a' deasachadh dealbhan-cluich' a bhios ri 'n nochdadh a 's t-samhradh 'sa tighinn ann an Alba Nuaidh. Tha mi a' coimhead air adhart ri 'm faicinn o 'n a tha làn…
It’s interesting how language is influenced and changes over time. I started travelling to Scotland in the mid 90’s and loved hearing the shopkeepers say “cheers” when they handed over my purchase. Ten years later I began to hear the…
Culture, and specifically language, takes ownership in those select few who are what I refer to as that culture’s hidden wealths. There is a time in life for everyone, where, when you are ready, you begin to (coincidentally…?) unearth…
Although it is early to say for sure what the finest musical highlights will be on Cape Breton Island this summer, there is one concert that is guaranteed to be especially enjoyable because not only the music, but the view,…
Cape Breton music stems from a long history of song and instrument. Some tunes played today by our traditional musicians on Cape Breton Island could actually be hundreds of years old. They are old, and they sound old. And that…
I’m not saying I am old, but, I might be getting older. The music scene on Cape Breton Island now operates with what I look upon as a very fresh, up and coming, group of young (very talented) musicians. They…
Winter has come to an end. This is the first post "from away." I will struggle to capture for you what it is like to encounter Cape Breton Island, some 41 years ago for the first time, and what it…
“The Féis is on this week.” This is a common statement echoed in Central Cape Breton over the course of the past few days. Féis an Eilein is a Gaelic Cultural festival that happens in Christmas Island, Cape Breton. For…
It was a night out for me, and by far one of the best kinds of evenings out a person could ask for. The concert was held at the Highland Village in Iona, Cape Breton. The evening paid tribute to…