‘S e rud fìor aosda a th’ ann am meatailt feòdar. Fhuaras am pìos a ‘s sine a ‘s aithne dhuinn dheth ann an uaigh Éipheiteach a’ dol air ais gu 1450 RC. ‘Sann cianail sean a tha sin! Bidh…
A’Cholaisde Ghàidhlig / The Gaelic College is St. Ann’s proudly offers programming in Gaelic language, culture and music for all ages. The College places particular importance on its role of educating the next generation of Gaelic singers and speakers.
It is that time of the year here on Cape Breton Island. Spring is officially here, summer is only weeks around the corner and many can already here the rhythmical shuffling of sneakers, pumps, sandals, crocs, flip-flops, and the occasional…