Bho mo chiad chuimhne bha baile fearainn aig mo phàrantan – bó, caoraich, cearcan agus gàrradh. Gheibheamaid éisg bho ‘n chòbh le lìontan agus giomaich le cliabhan. Bha iomadh baile fearainn ‘sa choimhearsnachd an uair sin ach bha ‘ad uile…
It is the last day of May and I have already started checking items off my summer bucket list of Cape Breton experiences that I previously blogged about. Recently I had the pleasure of visiting Glenora Inn & Distillery. What…
What a refreshing place to be…….. It had been too long since my last visit. The drive over was relaxing in itself, but the moments that followed as I drove up the driveway, parked and entered the grounds, were really…
Check out this article that was in the Edmonton Journal, discussing a Celtic music focused vacation in Cape Breton:
Click here to read.
The article mentions our members, the Celtic Music Interpretive Centre, Glenora Inn & Distillery and Inverness County. Doesn't…