Picture it… a hill full of people, young and old, on benches and on blankets tapping their feet to the lively Cape Breton fiddle tunes being played on the stage below.
This scene is one witnessed every year at the…
Tha an Geamhradh air tilleadh gu Ceap Breatainn a rithist! Tha dorsan de dh' iomadh àite ghnìomhachais dùinte; chan eil luchd turuis mu 'n cuairt; tha sinn uile car 'nar tàmh. Dh' fhaighnich fear turuis de m' athair chéile o…
Welcome to our brand new blog!
The Celtic Heart of North America is very happy to announce our new blogging platform to the world! We are very excited about the four First-Rate Bloggers who have agreed to write regularly for…