Mur an cuala sibh an t-ainm “Còig” gu ruige seo, tha mi làn cinnteach gun cluinn. ‘S e seo buidheann ciùil ùr anns a bheil cearthrar òigridh ás an eilean Cheap Breatainn agus aonar o ‘n mhór-thìr Albainn Nuaidh.
Tonight, I was watching an episode of CBC’s George Strombolopolous show that featured Newfoundland sayings and was quite entertained. It got me thinking about our unique Cape Breton sayings and their origins.
I remember a few years back when my…
Nach neònach mar a thig air uairean co-chruinneachadh de thachartan a chuireas smaointean duine air rathad àraid? 'Sann mar sin a tha e air a bhith dhomhsa o chionn ghreis.
Chuala mi òran air Youtube le Dòmhnall Mac Dòmhnaill á…
Now that it is almost May, it's time to start thinking about fall. Yes, I mean fall, as in the season that follows summer… what do you mean it's too early? Go away with ya!
Seriously, I love the spring…
I’m not saying I am old, but, I might be getting older. The music scene on Cape Breton Island now operates with what I look upon as a very fresh, up and coming, group of young (very talented) musicians. They…
Believe it or not, there are a number of schools now in Nova Scotia, particularly in Cape Breton, who are offering courses in the Gaelic language. These courses are part of the schools’ curriculum and contribute greatly to the preservation…
It is that time of the year here on Cape Breton Island. Spring is officially here, summer is only weeks around the corner and many can already here the rhythmical shuffling of sneakers, pumps, sandals, crocs, flip-flops, and the occasional…