Picture it… a hill full of people, young and old, on benches and on blankets tapping their feet to the lively Cape Breton fiddle tunes being played on the stage below.
This scene is one witnessed every year at the…
Tha Mìos na Gàidhlig a' tighinn dlùth ann an Alba Nuaidh. 'S e sin mìos 'nuair a nìthear greadhnachas ann an iomadh dòigh air sgàth na Gàidhlig, staid na Gàidhlig mar a tha e an diugh agus a h-uile h-oidhirp…
Saturday morning marks a new season and Fall is definitely in the air! I was in Baddeck yesterday and Port Hawkesbury two days before that and the trees are starting to show off their brilliant hues. But don't worry, there…
Bithear a cantainn gu bheil timchioll air còig ceud duine ann an Ceap Breatainn aig a bheil Gàidhlig. Chan eil dad a dh' fhios 'am dé cho ceart no ceàrr a tha sin, ach tha mi cinnteach gu bheil e…
It's was a beautiful day in Cape Breton today. And it seems even nicer now that summer is officially here!
Today marked summer solstice, the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. And this year summer solstice comes…
Ann an dualchas nan Gàidheal bidh iomadh seòrsa ciùil ri 'n cluinntinn, ged nach cluinnear iad uile gu tric na làithean. Ma théid duine gu cuirm-ciùil no "ceilidh" mar a chanas iad, a 's dòcha gur e puirt á beul…
My Celtic heart is beating with pride today as Destination Canada, an organization whose goal it is to increase awareness of Canada in the Nordic Countries, recently released its list of the top 10 attraction sites in Canada. Cape Breton’s…
Bliadhna Mhath Ùr. Everyone at the Celtic Heart of North of America would like to wish you and yours a very Happy New Year. We look forward to another year of sharing the Celtic culture of Cape Breton with you.…
Gàidhlig aig Baile
Thòisich o chionn ghoirid clasaichean Ghàidhlig air a' Chladach a Tuath, Ceap Breatainn, àite ás an d' thàinig iomadh seinneadair ainmeil 'san fhicheadamh linn, ach àite anns nach robh ach fìor bheag de Ghàidhlig ri cluinntinn a…
“The Féis is on this week.” This is a common statement echoed in Central Cape Breton over the course of the past few days. Féis an Eilein is a Gaelic Cultural festival that happens in Christmas Island, Cape Breton. For…