Seven years ago, Maurice Fowler was searching his family tree. Sitting at his computer in his home in Australia, he typed his great-great grandfather’s name into the search bar. What happened next would spark a trek halfway around the globe…
Picture it… a hill full of people, young and old, on benches and on blankets tapping their feet to the lively Cape Breton fiddle tunes being played on the stage below.
This scene is one witnessed every year at the…
My Celtic heart is beating with pride today as Destination Canada, an organization whose goal it is to increase awareness of Canada in the Nordic Countries, recently released its list of the top 10 attraction sites in Canada. Cape Breton’s…
Bliadhna Mhath Ùr. Everyone at the Celtic Heart of North of America would like to wish you and yours a very Happy New Year. We look forward to another year of sharing the Celtic culture of Cape Breton with you.…
Tha mi an còmhnuidh toilichte leis an uiread de Ghàidhlig a bhios ri fhaotainn an duigh tro iomadh meadhan – ma bhios fios agaibh càit' am faighear iad! Bu toil leam fios a chuir thugaibh air programan ris a dh'…
Winter has come to an end. This is the first post "from away." I will struggle to capture for you what it is like to encounter Cape Breton Island, some 41 years ago for the first time, and what it…
Welcome to our brand new blog!
The Celtic Heart of North America is very happy to announce our new blogging platform to the world! We are very excited about the four First-Rate Bloggers who have agreed to write regularly for…