Ar Seanachas, Ar Daoine agus Ar n-Àiteachan Our Stories, Our People and Our Places
7:30 pm
Admission $10
Tea & Lunch will be served.
Each community in the Gaelic world had an active and lively tradition of song composition. Songs…
Bho mo chiad chuimhne bha baile fearainn aig mo phàrantan – bó, caoraich, cearcan agus gàrradh. Gheibheamaid éisg bho ‘n chòbh le lìontan agus giomaich le cliabhan. Bha iomadh baile fearainn ‘sa choimhearsnachd an uair sin ach bha ‘ad uile…
Cape Breton music, specifically fiddle tunes, have a way of motivating, inspiring and really affecting the behaviors of people. Life in Central Cape Breton has provided many, myself included, with a number of opportunities to witness countless spontaneous outbursts of…