Traditional Milling Frolic
Admission $10 ~ Ages 14 & under Free
8 pm
Singers once gathered around the milling table to keep a constant rhythm while pounding newly-woven cloth; now the work is done for the sheer pleasure and to…
Milling Song Workshop
6 – 7:30 pm
Admission $6
Come learn some milling songs and choruses and join in the singing at the milling frolic tonight. This workshop is led by Angus MacLeod.…
Beginners & Intermediate/Advanced Gaelic Language
10 am – 4 pm. Lunch is included.
Admission $25 per day, Seniors & Students $10
Day-long classes with Instructors Angus MacLeod and Margie Beaton are continued.…
Ar Seanachas, Ar Daoine agus Ar n-Àiteachan Our Stories, Our People and Our Places
7:30 pm
Admission $10
Tea & Lunch will be served.
Each community in the Gaelic world had an active and lively tradition of song composition. Songs…
Gaelic Language Classes
10 am – 4 pm
Admission $25/per day ~ Seniors & Students $10. Lunch provided.
Angus MacLeod from the North Shore will instruct the beginner class. It is designed for students who have taken part in classes…
A four-day Gaelic immersion folklife school, Storas features the traditional foods, music, dance, stories and songs of Gaelic Nova Scotia. Stòras a’ Bhaile distinguishes itself by hands-on language activities and social time conducted entirely through the Gaelic language in Highland…
Tha Oidhche Shamhna a’ tighinn dlùth a nis agus bidh tachartasan ann an iomadh baile ‘is coimhearsnachd. Mar eisimpleir bidh Oidhche nam Bòcan aig a’ Chlachan Ghàidhealach agus bidh Cuairt le Lòchran aig an Daingneach Louisburg.
Bha Oidhche Shamhna aig…
Taibhsean agus rudan os-nàdurra. 'S e cuspair a thogadh inntinn daoine 's dòcha cho fad 's a tha sinn air a bhith air an talamh. Chan eil mi cinnteach a bheil seann taigh, àite eachdraidheil no làrach cliùiteach air nach…
Saoilidh mi gu tric cho tlachdmhor 's a tha e bhith 'g obair ann an saoghal na Gàidhlig, agus 's e a' phrìomh aobhar a th' ann na daoine gasda ris an tachair thu.
Mar a bhios mi teagasg na…
I recently had the good fortune of spending a day at the Highland Village in Iona. My mom and two girls joined me for a trip back in time to a living history museum and cultural centre that celebrates the…