Bho mo chiad chuimhne bha baile fearainn aig mo phàrantan – bó, caoraich, cearcan agus gàrradh. Gheibheamaid éisg bho ‘n chòbh le lìontan agus giomaich le cliabhan. Bha iomadh baile fearainn ‘sa choimhearsnachd an uair sin ach bha ‘ad uile…
Nach neònach mar a thig air uairean co-chruinneachadh de thachartan a chuireas smaointean duine air rathad àraid? 'Sann mar sin a tha e air a bhith dhomhsa o chionn ghreis.
Chuala mi òran air Youtube le Dòmhnall Mac Dòmhnaill á…
Next week for the second year in a row, Cape Breton will be the scene of some spectacular arts and culture. Now… arts and culture certainly aren't new to Cape Breton since we're known all over the world for our…
Bho chionn ghreis chaidh làrach-lìn ùr a chuir air an eadarlìon, An Drochaid Eadarainn mar ainm. 'S e proiseact mór a tha seo, le fios air iomadh cuspair ceangailte ri dualchas Gàidhealach an Eilein Cheap Breatainn, ceòl 'is dannsa 's…
If you ask most people where they can hear Celtic music they would likely answer Scotland and Ireland. An increasing number of folks would also think of Cape Breton because of our living Gaelic culture.
It would surprise some people…
Sgeul Éibhinn
Bha na sgeulachdan air leth cudtromach do na Gàidheil ann an Ceap Breatainn anns na linntean 'sa chaidh. Bhiodh iad 'gan innse tro na h-oidhcheanan ann an iomadh taigh agus bha meas mór ac' air daoine a bha…
Although it is early to say for sure what the finest musical highlights will be on Cape Breton Island this summer, there is one concert that is guaranteed to be especially enjoyable because not only the music, but the view,…
Carson a Dh' ionnsaichear a' Ghàidhlig?
'S e obair mhór a th' ann an ionnsachadh cànan sam bith – obair bheatha chanadh cuid. Carson a bhiodh e feumail obair cho mór a chuir ann gus cànan eile a bhruidhinn?
I’m not saying I am old, but, I might be getting older. The music scene on Cape Breton Island now operates with what I look upon as a very fresh, up and coming, group of young (very talented) musicians. They…
“Gaelic Mouth Music”. Here in Cape Breton, we are not afforded the luxury of hearing a lot of this type of musical expression in the Gaelic language. It is yet another dimension of song and dance that demonstrates a very…