‘S e rud fìor aosda a th’ ann am meatailt feòdar. Fhuaras am pìos a ‘s sine a ‘s aithne dhuinn dheth ann an uaigh Éipheiteach a’ dol air ais gu 1450 RC. ‘Sann cianail sean a tha sin! Bidh…
I once asked my Grandmother if she ever imagined that she would be celebrating her 95th birthday. Without a moment’s hesitation she replied, “Max, before you know it you’ll be 80.”
I was 32 at the time and thought she…
Now that it is almost May, it's time to start thinking about fall. Yes, I mean fall, as in the season that follows summer… what do you mean it's too early? Go away with ya!
Seriously, I love the spring…
Driving across from mainland Nova Scotia over the Canso Causeway, the sign on the bridge says "Welcome to Cape Breton." For the eighth time in ten years, my eyes tear up, my heart leaps, and I am back in this…
It is that time of the year here on Cape Breton Island. Spring is officially here, summer is only weeks around the corner and many can already here the rhythmical shuffling of sneakers, pumps, sandals, crocs, flip-flops, and the occasional…