Seven years ago, Maurice Fowler was searching his family tree. Sitting at his computer in his home in Australia, he typed his great-great grandfather’s name into the search bar. What happened next would spark a trek halfway around the globe…
Cape Breton music stems from a long history of song and instrument. Some tunes played today by our traditional musicians on Cape Breton Island could actually be hundreds of years old. They are old, and they sound old. And that…
Ma thig sibh gu Ceap Breatainn an dòchas gun cluinn sibh fuinn no òrain Ghàidhlig, gu dé a bhios romhaibh? Mar a tha fhios aig iomadh duine, 's e seann dualchas a th' anns a' Ghàidhlig agus bidh cuid dhe…
'Nuair a dh' éisdeas daoine ri ceòl Ghàidhlig, cluinnear gu bheil iomadh òran air a dheasachadh air an aon fhonn. Bidh cuid de dhaoine a' smaointinn gur e fàilligeadh nam bàrd a th' a's coireach ach chan e sin a'…
Cape Breton music offers many soulful elements. Our airs in particular will offer you an experience that has often been described as Holy; they will fill your heart and soul. Some of the oldest of these are Gaelic airs; they’ll…
'Nuair a thàinig na Gaidheil gu Ceap Breatainn an tùs, cha robh 'ad idir toilichte an dùthaich fhéin fhàgail, agus bidh sin seo-chluinntinn 'sna h-òrain a rinn agus a ghabh iad an déidh dhaibh tighinn a' seo.
An toiseach, 's…