I still recall the warm February day many years ago, when my mother-in-law explained The Faoillich to me.
It was the dead of winter. But after endless weeks of bone-chilling winds and daily snow squalls that turned into blizzards, the…
‘S e rud fìor aosda a th’ ann am meatailt feòdar. Fhuaras am pìos a ‘s sine a ‘s aithne dhuinn dheth ann an uaigh Éipheiteach a’ dol air ais gu 1450 RC. ‘Sann cianail sean a tha sin! Bidh…
Mur an cuala sibh an t-ainm “Còig” gu ruige seo, tha mi làn cinnteach gun cluinn. ‘S e seo buidheann ciùil ùr anns a bheil cearthrar òigridh ás an eilean Cheap Breatainn agus aonar o ‘n mhór-thìr Albainn Nuaidh.
Bho mo chiad chuimhne bha baile fearainn aig mo phàrantan – bó, caoraich, cearcan agus gàrradh. Gheibheamaid éisg bho ‘n chòbh le lìontan agus giomaich le cliabhan. Bha iomadh baile fearainn ‘sa choimhearsnachd an uair sin ach bha ‘ad uile…
Picture it… a hill full of people, young and old, on benches and on blankets tapping their feet to the lively Cape Breton fiddle tunes being played on the stage below.
This scene is one witnessed every year at the…
Although it is early to say for sure what the finest musical highlights will be on Cape Breton Island this summer, there is one concert that is guaranteed to be especially enjoyable because not only the music, but the view,…
We’ll start praying now for a warm, dry, sunny day on Saturday, August 7, 2010 beginning around 2PM. Actually if truth be known, the event of this day continues to be enjoyed by all in attendance year after year, regardless…
Cape Breton music offers many soulful elements. Our airs in particular will offer you an experience that has often been described as Holy; they will fill your heart and soul. Some of the oldest of these are Gaelic airs; they’ll…
Welcome to our brand new blog!
The Celtic Heart of North America is very happy to announce our new blogging platform to the world! We are very excited about the four First-Rate Bloggers who have agreed to write regularly for…