A Slightly Strange Activity Explained – Cleachdadh Car Neònach 'ga Shoilleireachadh

'Nuair a dh' éisdeas daoine ri ceòl Ghàidhlig, cluinnear gu bheil iomadh òran air a dheasachadh air an aon fhonn. Bidh cuid de dhaoine a' smaointinn gur e fàilligeadh nam bàrd a th' a's coireach ach chan e sin a' chùis.

Chan eil seo ri ràdh nach d' rinn iad fuinn ùra idir oir is cinnteach gun d' rinn, ach gur e tric a lean iad ri seann fhuinn agus nach d' rinn iad ach faclan ùra chuir ri na ranntan. Chumadh iad fonn agus séisd de sheann òran agus bu tric nach robh faclan na séisde freagarrach ri cuspair nan rann idir! Is neònach sin d' ar n-inntinn an diugh agus… carson a rinneadh sin?

Dhearbh na bàird iomadh turus gu robh buadh mhór aca air bàrdachd agus air seinn. Carson nach biodh buadh aca air fuinn a dheasachadh cuideachd? An gabh e creidsinn nach biodh?

'S e aobhar eil' a th' air cùl na cùise.

Chan ann do dh' aonar no do dh' dhithis a sheinn a chaidh na h-òrain an deasachadh.  Chan ann airson an gabhail air àrd-ùrlar a dheasachadh iad. Chan ann airson luchd éisdidh a bha 'ad deanta. Bu ghann an luchd-éisdidh, ach bu lìonmhor na comh-phàirteachan, agus 's e sin cnag na cùise.

Bha na bàird ionadail airson 's gum biodh cothrom 'is comas aig a h-uile duine pàirt a ghabhail ann an seinn an òrain ùir. Nam biodh fonn agus faclan ùra ri ionnsachadh, chuireadh sin bacadh air na daoine agus air ruith na ceilidh, ach nam biodh faclan 'is fonn aca ro làimh, chumadh sin ruith mhath air an fhearas-chuideachd. Cha bhiodh ri ionnsachadh ach na ranntan, agus sin ach aig an seinneadair / bàrd. Cuir 'san àireamh agus spòrs aig a h-uile duine agus òrain ùra ri ghabhail!


When people listen to Gaelic music, many songs are heard composed to the same tune. Some people think this is a failing of the composers, but that's not the case.

This is not to say they never composed new melodies for they certainly did, but that they often kept an old tune and just made up new words for the verses. They'd keep the melody and the chorus of an old song, and often the words of the chorus wouldn't fit the subject of the verses at all! We think that strange today and… why was it done?

The poets proved many times that they were very competent at poetry and singing. Why wouldn't they have the same ability to compose melodies? Is it believable that they didn't?

There's another reason behind their actions.

It wasn't for one or two people to sing the songs that the songs were intended. They weren't made to be sung on a stage. They weren't composed for an audience. Audiences were scant, but participants were many, and that's the heart of the matter.

The local bards wanted everyone to have the opportunity and ability to take part in the singing of their new song. If they'd have to learn a new tune and new words, that would be a deterrent to them and to the flow of the ceilidh, but if they knew the tune and the words already, that would keep the entertainment running smoothly. Only the verses needed to be learned and they only by the singer / bard. Everyone included, fun for all and new songs to sing!

A Slightly Strange Activity Explained – Cleachdadh Car Neònach 'ga Shoilleireachadh

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