Làithean na Féise / Festival Days

Tha an samhradh a' tighinn gu crìoch ann an Ceap Breatainn mar a sgrìobhas mi seo. Tha na làithean fhathast blàth ach tha na h-oidhcheanan a' fàs fuar agus duilleagan nan craobh ag atharrachadh an dathan. Tha e tachair na 's anmoiche na bha e an làithean m' òige ged thà… agus tha rud eile diofaraichte cuideachd  – bidh sluagh mhór luchd-turuis do 'm b' àbhaist a thighinn a 's t-samhradh a nise a' tadhail 'san t-Samhainn. Dé tha dol? Carson? Airson dathan an t-Fhoghair?

Ann an dòigh, 's e sin an t-adhbhar 's gun tig iad na 's anmoiche na b' àbhaist dhaibh. Ach 's e dathan "Celtic Colours" a nì 'n tarruing na àite dathan nan craobh! A nis, aig an àm seo na bliadhna, is cinnteach nach bi ticeadan ri fhaotainn do dh' iomadh tachartas; bidh iad uile air an réic. Ach mur am faigh duine asteach do na cuirmean ciùil, bidh móran eile ri dheanamh ré àm na Féise!

Ré na làithean bidh bùthan-obrach ann an iomadh àite air cuspairean mar obair ealain, breabadaireachd, ceòl feadain 'is ceòl na fìdhle.

Bidh " Kitchen Racket Jam Session" ann, agus faodaidh daoine pàirt a ghabhail ann an ceòl 's an  dannsa air an àrd-ùrlar ann am Badaig aig togalach Comann nan Sgoth faisg air a' chidhe, àite le sealladh ro bhreagha.

Airson nan daoine aig a bheil ùigh air a' Ghàidhlig, bidh luaidhean ann air an deicheamh latha 's a' cheud latha deug. 'S iomadh uair a chaidh mi do luadh agus faodaidh mi innse le cinnt gur e seinn bhinnmhor a chluinnear ann.

Bidh "ceilidhean" de dh' iomadh seòrsa ann an caochladh àite. Cha chreid mi nach bi rudeigin tarruingeach do gach duine ri fhaotainn annta.

Bidh biadh ri fhaotainn! Ann an cuid de dh' àiteachan bidh biadh 'is ceòl còmhla aig an aon àm, agus soitheachan lòin de sheòrsaichean dualchasach do 'n eilean.

Chan e seo ach roinn dhe na tachartasan a bhios ri 'n tairgsinn ré làithean na Féise. Bidh a' mhór-chuid na 's saoire na na cuirmean ciùil agus a' bharrachd air sin, bidh cothrom aig daoine aiteal na 's soilleire fhaighinn asta air muinntir 'is dualchas an eilein.

'Nuair a smaoineachas sinn air Celtic Colours, 's e na bhios ri fhaicinn 's ri chluinntinn 'sna h-oidhcheanan a thig gu 'r n-inntinnean, ach nam bheachdsa 's e call a bhios ann, na bhios a' dol air adhart ré na làithean a dhi-chuimhneachadh.


Festival Days

The summer is coming to a close in Cape Breton as I write this. The days are still warm but the nights are growing cold and the leaves of the trees are changing their colors. It's happening later than it used to in the days of my youth though… and there's another difference – there's a large number of tourists who used to come in the summer now coming in October. What's happening? Why? For the colors of fall?

In a way, that's the reason that they come later than they used to. But it the colors of Celtic Colours that provides the draw, not the colors of the trees! Now at this time of the year it's sure there won't be tickets left for many events; they'll all be sold. But if you can't get into the concerts, there's lots else to do during the Festival!

During the days there'll be workshops in many places with subjects like artwork, weaving, whistle music and fiddle music.

There'll be a "Kitchen Racket Jam Session" and people can take part in the music and dance on the stage in Baddeck at the Yacht Club near the wharf, a site with a beautiful view.

For those who have an interest in Gaelic there will be millings on the tenth and eleventh days. It's many a time I went to a milling and I can say with certainty that's you'll hear excellent singing there.

There will be ceilidhs of many kinds in a variety of places. I can't believe there won't be something of interest to everyone in some of these places.

There'll be food! In a selection of sites music and food will be offered together with food dishes that are traditional to the island.

This is only a part of the events that will be offered during the Festival. Most of them are less expensive than the concerts and besides that people will have a chance to get a clearer glimpse of the people and the traditions of the island from them.

When we think of Celtic Colours, it's what's to be seen and heard during the nights that comes to mind, but I think it's a loss to let what's going on in the daytimes be forgotten.

Làithean na Féise / Festival Days

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