'S e cleachdadh làidir a bh' aig na Gàidheil bho chian nan cian a bhith ag aithris sgeulachdan, seachadas a bha air dol á cleachdadh ann an Ceap Breatainn bho chionn greis. Nan rachadh duine do cheilidh, is cinnteach gun cluinneadh e ceòl na fìdhle, ceòl na clàrsaiche móire, agus a bu dòcha òrain agus innealan ciùil eile 'gan cluich, ach sgeulachdan…?
Ri mo chuid fhiosrachd fhìn, agus 's dòcha gur ceàrr mi, cha robh na seann sgeulachdan ri 'n aithris o chionn cuid de bhliadhnaichen, ged a dhearbhas na leabhraichean "Sgeul Gu Latha" agus "Na Beanntaichean Gorma" nach robh iad air dol á cuimhne nan seanchaidhean aig an robh Gàidhlig bho 'n glùin.
A dh' aindheoin sin, chan ann ach o chionn dà no trì bliadhna a thòisich mi ri sgeulachdan chluinntinn aig ceilidhean, agus an diugh tha iad a' sìor-fhàs na 's taitniche do dhaoine. 'S e adhartas sgoinneil a tha sin, nach e?
A nise, bidh oidhcheanan suidhichte dìreach airson sgeulachdan aithris ann an Halifax le Sgoil Ghàidhlig an Àrd-Bhaile, agus cha neònach iongantas a bhith air daoine air sgàth 'a na fhuair iad de mhór-thlachd asta. Bidh iomadh sgeul air rudan agus tachartasan neo-shaoghalta 'gan innse aig a' Chlachan Ghàidhealach air Oidhche nam Bòcan gach uile oidhche Shamhna, agus is tric a théid luadh gu crìoch le sgeulachdan ann an iomadh àite.
An dràsda fhéin, cha chluinnear ach sgeulachdan goirid éibhinn a 's trice, ach tha dòchas agus dùil agam gun till na seann sgeulachdan an déidh do bharrachd dhaoine an leughadh 's an ionnsachadh.
Chan eil fhios 'am a bheil àit' ann fhathast an diugh do sgeòil cho fada 's a b' àbhaist do sheanchaidhean innse bho chionn fhada, sgeòil a mhaireadh fad uairean a thìde gus aithris, ach cha chreid mi nach còrdadh ri daoine cuid dhe na naidheachdan na bu ghiorra, agus 'sann pàilt' a tha iadsan!
Bidh buadh agus laige ann an gach meadhan, eadar fiolmaichean 'is leabhraichean, òrain 'is ealain, agus 's e blas sònraichte a th' ann, a bhith ag éisdeachd ri seanchaidh a bhios fìor ealanta air sgeul innse. Ma thig cothrom 'nur rathad, na leigibh seachad e!
The telling of stories has been a strong tradition among Gaels from time immemorial, but it's a pastime that's gone out of fashion recently. If a person went to a ceilidh it's certain he would hear fiddle music, piano music, and likely songs and other musical instruments, but stories…?
To my knowledge, and I could be wrong, the old stories weren't being told the last few years, although the books "Tales Til Dawn" and "The Blue Mountains" prove that they hadn't been lost from the memories of the tradition-bearers who were native speakers.
Despite that, it's only within the last two or three years that I've started to hear stories at ceilidhs and today they are becomely increasingly popular. That's a great development, isn't it?
Now there are nights set aside specifically for story-telling in Halifax by Sgoil Ghàidhlig an Àrd-Bhaile and it's not unusual for people to be surprised at how much they enjoy the stories. Many a tale is told at the Highland Village of unearthly things and happenings during "Oidhche nam Bòcan" every Hallowe'en night, and in many places a milling song session often ends with a few stories.
Right now it's usually short funny stories that are heard, but I hope and expect the old stories to return once more people have read and learned them.
I don't know if there's still a place today for tales as long as story-tellers used to tell, stories that would last hours in the telling, but I believe people would enjoy some of the shorter tales, and there's lots of those!
Every medium has its’ strengths and weaknesses, from films to books, songs and artwork, and it's a special experience to be listening to someone who is an accomplished story-teller. If you get the chance, don't let it pass you by!