For 36 years he’s performed on over 100 records, toured a good part of the world and performed with a who’s who of Canadian folk musicians. He’s a musical director, teacher, guitar and fiddle player. He’s an arranger, producer and…
I have a confession. I have been afflicted by a serious condition that has just been diagnosed. Now it’s not life threatening, unless of course I talk too much and then it is potentially life threatening. You see, I have…
Tha an Geamhradh air tilleadh gu Ceap Breatainn a rithist! Tha dorsan de dh' iomadh àite ghnìomhachais dùinte; chan eil luchd turuis mu 'n cuairt; tha sinn uile car 'nar tàmh. Dh' fhaighnich fear turuis de m' athair chéile o…
When I worked in the festival world people would often ask what my real or full time job was. I guess this is understandable if you've never looked behind the scenes at a music festival. All most people see is…
I was fortunate to recently receive a recording of my Grandmother reciting a couple of poems. Charlotte Reid McConnell was born in 1887 and lived a full life until she reached 100 years of age. I spent all my summers…
And welcome 2013. This is a big year for many of our Celtic Heart partners.
The Gaelic College celebrates its 75th anniversary this year and has a number of events and activities lined up to help celebrate. To keep up…
Nach neònach mar a thig air uairean co-chruinneachadh de thachartan a chuireas smaointean duine air rathad àraid? 'Sann mar sin a tha e air a bhith dhomhsa o chionn ghreis.
Chuala mi òran air Youtube le Dòmhnall Mac Dòmhnaill á…
Tha mi toilichte fhaicinn mar a bhios saoghal nan Gaidheal beag air bheag a' meudachadh a thaobh nan gnothach ris am bi sinn. Mar a théid sinn air adhart 'san fhicheadamh linn 's a h-aon, tha mi creidsinn gum bi…
Cape Breton is justifiably well known for its traditional music players. We have many world class fiddlers, piano players & singers who perform internationally.
However, when I was writing a previous blog about Buddy MacDonald, I was reminded of the…
As I sit here at home, again watching the Celtic Colours International Festival live stream, I am in awe of what it takes to pull off a nine day festival with 45 concerts, more than 50 communities, hundreds of artists,…