Le cuideachd Oifis Iomairtean na Gàidhlig, bidh Bebh Brett a' deasachadh dealbhan-cluich' a bhios ri 'n nochdadh a 's t-samhradh 'sa tighinn ann an Alba Nuaidh. Tha mi a' coimhead air adhart ri 'm faicinn o 'n a tha làn…
'Nuair a thig an samhradh thig daoine gu Ceap Breatainn á iomadh àite, luchd ionnsachadh na Gàidhlig agus luchd ionnsaichte 'sa Ghàidhlig nam measg. Innsidh mi dhuibh beagan mu dheidhinn dithis aca, agus té eile ás an Eilean Cheap Breatainn…
The Scottish Gaelic influence is strong in Nova Scotia. Our very name New Scotland embodies it. You can find it at the Colaisde Na Gàidhlig/Gaelic College in St. Ann’s and at the Highland Village/An Clachan Gàidhealach in Iona. Our Celtic culture greets…
Tonight, I was watching an episode of CBC’s George Strombolopolous show that featured Newfoundland sayings and was quite entertained. It got me thinking about our unique Cape Breton sayings and their origins.
I remember a few years back when my…
In my previous blog, I introduced you to Cape Breton sideman supreme, Al Bennett. Today I want to introduce you to another Cape Breton go to musician, Aaron Lewis. Al and Aaron are kind of like Cape Breton musical Ghost…
For 36 years he’s performed on over 100 records, toured a good part of the world and performed with a who’s who of Canadian folk musicians. He’s a musical director, teacher, guitar and fiddle player. He’s an arranger, producer and…
If not, there are plenty of things to do to keep the children occupied for the week so you won’t have to listen to choruses of “I’m bored!”
Cape Breton Centre for Craft and Design
Cape Breton Craft knows that…
Cluinnear tòimhseachain anns a' h-uile cànan, tha mi cinnteach. 'Sa Bheurla bidh iad gu tric car mar seo: Cò mheud ( seòrsa de dhuine) a dh' fheumar airson bolgan-solais ùr a chuir ann? – Ceud 'sa h-aon. Aonar airson greim…
We are all familiar with the following statements. “We’re only as strong as the weakest link.” “There is strength in numbers.” “There is no “i” in Team.” There is a large body of opinion that we can achieve more by…
Taibhsean agus rudan os-nàdurra. 'S e cuspair a thogadh inntinn daoine 's dòcha cho fad 's a tha sinn air a bhith air an talamh. Chan eil mi cinnteach a bheil seann taigh, àite eachdraidheil no làrach cliùiteach air nach…