Picture it… a hill full of people, young and old, on benches and on blankets tapping their feet to the lively Cape Breton fiddle tunes being played on the stage below.
This scene is one witnessed every year at the…
The Gaelic alphabet does not contain the letters j, k, v, x, y or z. Instead, words that need the sounds those letters produce, blend two letters to get a similar sound – like using ‘CH’ for the ‘J’ sound.…
So you have conducted on-line searches for your Celtic connections in Cape Breton and found lots of interesting things. So why not include some on-site genealogical research while visiting the island. While there is a wealth of information available on…
Tha Oidhche Shamhna a’ tighinn dlùth a nis agus bidh tachartasan ann an iomadh baile ‘is coimhearsnachd. Mar eisimpleir bidh Oidhche nam Bòcan aig a’ Chlachan Ghàidhealach agus bidh Cuairt le Lòchran aig an Daingneach Louisburg.
Bha Oidhche Shamhna aig…
It’s that time of year again. The time when Cape Breton shows off its most magnificent Fall colours and welcome visitors from near and far to the annual Celtic Colours International Festival! If you are one of the lucky ones…
The Order of Canada is the centrepiece of Canada’s honours system and recognizes a lifetime of outstanding achievement, dedication to the community and service to the nation.
Cape Breton songwriter, musician and author Allister MacGillivray was recently named to the…
'Nuair a thàinig na Gàidheil gu Ceap Breatainn air thùs, is furasda fhaicinn nach robh iad idir measail air an àite. Mar a sgrìobh am bàrd Mac 'Illeathain, " 'S i seo an dùthaich 's a bheil an cruadal" agus…
Rachel Davis is a gifted, hard working young Cape Breton Fiddler. Rachel first came to my attention in 2009 as the recipient of the Frank “Big Sampy” Sampson Award, which is sponsored by the Celtic Colours Festival Volunteer Drive’ers Association.…
Although it feels like Summer’s just begun here on Cape Breton Island, if you’re a fan of Celtic and traditional music, you can’t help thinking a little bit about Autumn and the Celtic Colours International Festival right about now. Tickets…
Thòisich mi ris a' Ghàidhlig a theagasg ann an naoi ceud deug ceithir fichead 's a sia deug ann am Baile nan Gall, Ceap Breatainn, trì mìosan deug an déidh dhomh tòiseachadh r' a h-ionnsachadh. Tro na bliadhnaichean eadar sin…