'Nuair a thàinig na Gaidheil gu Ceap Breatainn an tùs, cha robh 'ad idir toilichte an dùthaich fhéin fhàgail, agus bidh sin seo-chluinntinn 'sna h-òrain a rinn agus a ghabh iad an déidh dhaibh tighinn a' seo.
An toiseach, 's…
Check out this article that was in the Edmonton Journal, discussing a Celtic music focused vacation in Cape Breton:
Click here to read.
The article mentions our members, the Celtic Music Interpretive Centre, Glenora Inn & Distillery and Inverness County. Doesn't…
Cape Breton music, specifically fiddle tunes, have a way of motivating, inspiring and really affecting the behaviors of people. Life in Central Cape Breton has provided many, myself included, with a number of opportunities to witness countless spontaneous outbursts of…
Chluinnear gu tric mu 'n cuairt an eilein gum bi ceilidh ann an àite seo, no gum bi daoine a' dol do cheilidh an nochd, agus a bheil ceilidh ann an àite sam bith ceann na seachdainne 'sa tighinn? Bidh…
Fàilt' oirbh uile do 'n bhlog ùr seo! Tha mi 'n dòchas gun còrd e ruibh 's gun éirich cothroman còmhraidh ás na cuspairean mu dheidhinn a sgrìobhas mi. A' bharrachd air a' sin, ma bhios cuspairean aig daoin' eile,…
Welcome to our brand new blog!
The Celtic Heart of North America is very happy to announce our new blogging platform to the world! We are very excited about the four First-Rate Bloggers who have agreed to write regularly for…
Celtic Colours International Festival had an amazing year in 2009. The Festival’s unique combination of culture, heritage, history and scenery, bolstered by new investment and marketing initiatives, found new audiences and increased visitorship to Cape Breton Island, resulting in a…
The Highland Village/An Clachan Gàidhealach has been producing An Rubha, its Gaelic Folklife Magazine, over the past decade. The magazine is an absolute treasure of articles, stories, songs and history that cover many diverse facets of Cape Breton’s rich Gaelic…