“The Féis is on this week.” This is a common statement echoed in Central Cape Breton over the course of the past few days. Féis an Eilein is a Gaelic Cultural festival that happens in Christmas Island, Cape Breton. For…
It was a night out for me, and by far one of the best kinds of evenings out a person could ask for. The concert was held at the Highland Village in Iona, Cape Breton. The evening paid tribute to…
What a refreshing place to be…….. It had been too long since my last visit. The drive over was relaxing in itself, but the moments that followed as I drove up the driveway, parked and entered the grounds, were really…
'S e cleachdadh làidir a bh' aig na Gàidheil bho chian nan cian a bhith ag aithris sgeulachdan, seachadas a bha air dol á cleachdadh ann an Ceap Breatainn bho chionn greis. Nan rachadh duine do cheilidh, is cinnteach gun…
We’ll start praying now for a warm, dry, sunny day on Saturday, August 7, 2010 beginning around 2PM. Actually if truth be known, the event of this day continues to be enjoyed by all in attendance year after year, regardless…
Ma thig sibh gu Ceap Breatainn an dòchas gun cluinn sibh fuinn no òrain Ghàidhlig, gu dé a bhios romhaibh? Mar a tha fhios aig iomadh duine, 's e seann dualchas a th' anns a' Ghàidhlig agus bidh cuid dhe…
The world of summer school…….a really unique kind of summer school…….not the summer school that a child might be forced to take part in if they didn’t quite acquire all of those credits they had hoped for. I’m talking about…
'Nuair a dh' éisdeas daoine ri ceòl Ghàidhlig, cluinnear gu bheil iomadh òran air a dheasachadh air an aon fhonn. Bidh cuid de dhaoine a' smaointinn gur e fàilligeadh nam bàrd a th' a's coireach ach chan e sin a'…
Cape Breton music offers many soulful elements. Our airs in particular will offer you an experience that has often been described as Holy; they will fill your heart and soul. Some of the oldest of these are Gaelic airs; they’ll…
It is that time of the year here on Cape Breton Island. Spring is officially here, summer is only weeks around the corner and many can already here the rhythmical shuffling of sneakers, pumps, sandals, crocs, flip-flops, and the occasional…