Ciamar a dh' Ionnsaicheas Mi a' Ghàidhlig?
Bidh iomadh duine a' cantainn gum bu toil leis a' Ghàidhlig dh' ionnsachadh ach chan eil 'ad cinnteach ciamar a ghabhas sin a dheanamh. Tha mi toilichte a dh' ràdh gu bheil móran chothruim ann an diugh seach mar a bha bho chionn ghoirid.
An toiseach, gheibhear iomadh rud air an eadar-lìn an asgaidh a nì feum. Bidh móran ri fhaotainn aig:
Anns an làrach-lìn seo bidh leasannan do dhaoine aig a h-uile h-ìre agus faidhlichean claistinneach airson éisdeachd. Cumaidh an làrach-lìn seo duine trang gu ceann fada agus faodar móran dh' ionnsachadh ann.
Bidh a bharrachd air trì mìle de leabhraichean anns am bi Gàidhlig ri leughadh aig an làrach-lìn seo:
Bidh leasannan do luchd tòisichidh agus leabhraichean do luchd àrdaichte ann a sheò, agus iomadh teacs nach eil ri fhaotainn ri 'n ceannach an diugh.
Faodar daoine á Ceap Breatainn aig a bheil Gàidhlig bho 'n ghlùin a chluinntinn agus fhaicinn an seo:
Agus faodar daoine aig a bheil Gàidhlig bho 'n ghlùin á Alba a chluinntinn aig an àite seo:
Bidh cuid mhór de dh' òrain Ghàidhlig ri 'm faotainn aig an làrach-lìn seo, 'gan gabhail agus na faclan 'gan litreachadh. Mholainn do 'n a h-uile duine òrain a thogail airson na cànan fhéin dh' ionnsachadh!
Ma bhios duine airson cùrs' a ghabhail air an eadar-lìn, chuala mi aig roinn de dhaoine gur a h-e na cùrsaichean aig an Acadamaidh Gàidhlig an Atlantaig nan cùrsa a's fheàrr ann an Ameiriga a Tuath.
Gheibhear fiosrachd orrasan aig:
Bidh cùrsa eile ri fhaotainn bho 'n Cholaisde Ghàidhlig agus bidh an cùrsa sin na 's fhreagarraiche do chuid de dhaoine. Gheibhear an seo e:
Chìthear air an làrach-lìn sin gum bi cùrsaichean pearsanta ri 'n tairgsinn cuideachd aig a' Cholaisde ré 'n t-Samhraidh a h-uile bliadhna.
Bidh fios air iomadh cùrsa pearsanta a bhios ri fhaotainn air feadh nan Stàitean Aonaichte aig an làrach-lìn seo:
Bidh am fiosrachd seo feumail ( Tha mi 'n dòchas! ) do dhaoine air feadh an t-saoghail aig a bheil ùigh air a' Ghàidhlig dh' ionnsachadh tro ghoireasan air an eadar-lìn no tro chùrsaichean fad-astair. Gé b' e càit' am bi duine a' fuireach an diugh, faodaidh e a' Ghàidhlig a thogail gu ìre mhath.
Sgrìobhaidh mi a rithist air cothroman ionnsachaidh a bhios ri 'm faotainn ann an Alba Nuaidh fhéin.
Ma bhios duine airson fios a' bharrachd a chuir ris na sgrìobh mise, bhithinn glé thoilichte teachdaireachd fhaighinn bhuaibh.
How Do I Learn Gaelic?
Many people say they would like to learn Gaelic but they're not certain how to accomplish that goal. I'm happy to say that there are many opportunities today compared to how it was not long ago.
To start, a lot of useful things can be found on the internet for free. There is a lot available at:
There are lessons for people at every level at this website and sound files to listen to. This site will keep a person busy for a long time, and a lot can be learned here.
There are more than three thousand books with Gaelic in them to be found at this website:
There are lesson books for beginners and books for advanced readers here, and many texts that are not available for purchase now.
Cape Breton native speakers can be heard and seen at this site:
And native speakers from Scotland can be heard at this website:
There's a large selection of Gaelic songs at this website, being sung and with lyrics. I'd advise everyone to learn Gaelic songs in order to learn the language itself!
If a person wants to take an online course, some people have told me the Atlantic Gaelic Academy's courses are the best available in North America. You can find out about them here:
The Gaelic College offers another course and it is more suitable for some people. You can find it here:
You can see here that the College also offers in person courses throughout the summer every year.
There is information about many in person courses available throughout the United States at this website:
This information will be useful ( I hope! ) for people all over the world who have an interest in using resources on the internet, or distance courses for learning Gaelic. No matter where a person is living today, he/she has an opportunity to learn a high level of Gaelic.
I'll write later about learning opportunities that are available within Nova Scotia itself.
If anyone wants to add to what I've written, I'd be very happy to get a message from you.