Càit' an Cluinnear a' Ghàidhlig ann an Ceap Breatainn?
'S e a' cheist a chuir mi romham, " Càit' an cluinnear a' Ghàidhlig ann an Ceap Breatainn?" agus feumaidh mi aideachadh gum bi mi fo eisimeil dhaoin' eile gus fios a' bharrachd air mo chuid fhìn a chuir ris an airteagail seo. Innsidh mi dhuibh roinn dhe na tha fios agam air ( Cha bhi an airteagail ach goirid! ) , ach 's cinnteach gu bheil tachartasan eile ann air nach eil mi eòlach.
'S e a' Chlachan Gàidhealach a' chiad àit' air an do smaoinich mi. Cluinnear móran Ghàidhlig a' seo air sgath 's gu bheil i aig a' mhór chuid de 'n luchd-obrach agus bidh iad 'nan cleasairean anns na taighean eachdraidheal air an làraich. Bidh laithean sònraichte aig a' Chlachan, agus seachdainnean teagaisg do chloinn 's do dh' inbhich… chan eil clàr agam; feumaidh sibh faighinn amach bhuapa fhéin!
Faodar Gàidhlig a chluinntinn aig a' Cholaisde Ghàidhlig aig cuid de 'n luchd teagaisg, ged nach eil ach glé bheag aig an luchd obrach. Bidh òrain Ghàidhlig 'gan gabhail agus sgeulachdan 'gan innse aig cuirmean-ciùil ann a' sheo gach uile feasgar Ciadain fhad 's a bhios an Sgoil Samhraidh 'na ruith, mu sheachd seachdainnean 'san Iuchar 's 'san Lunasdal.
Aig àm na féiseadh "Féis an Eilein", bidh Gàidhlig nach gann aig iomadh tachartas fad na seachdainne. Gabhaidh seo àite mu cheann an Lunasdail, agus mholainn dhuibh a dhol ann. Gheibhear fìor bhlas na Gàidhlig a' seo.
Bidh féis eile ann 'san Dàmhair, "Celtic Colours", agus bidh iomadh neach-ciùil ann á caochladh àite air feadh an t-saoghail Cheiltich. Bidh buthan-obrach 'gan tairgsinn a h-uile latha, agus cothrom agaibh a bhith cluinntinn agus ag ionnsachadh criomagan Ghàidhlig a' seo cuideachd. Agus an ceòl!
'Mach ás na h-àiteachan seo ( agus tha mi làn chinnteach gun deach àiteachan á cuimhn' orm; gabhaibh mo leisgeul. ) bidh Gàidhlig 'ga cluinntinn, ged nach ann gu tric, aig iomadh àite. Dh'inns' caraid agam dhomh gun cual' e grunn de dheugnairean 'ga bruidhinn taobh amuigh talla dhanns' oidhche. Agus gé b' e càit' a thachras daoine aig a bheil Gàidhlig ri chéile, is cinnteach gur e sin an cànan a bhruidhneas 'ad.
'S e an rud a th' ann, dh' fhaodadh sibh a dhol seachad air daoine aig a bheil Gàidhlig bhreagha gun fhios agad, 's gun fhios aca gun còrdadh e ruibh a cluinntinn. Ma tha sibh fìor dheònach a cluinntinn, mholainn dhuibh leine-t a chuir oirbh le faclan mar " Nach bruidhinn sibh a' Ghàidhlig rium? " sgrìobht' oirre. Ma chì mise sin, bruidhnidh mise ruibh co dhiùbh!
Where Can Gaelic Be Heard in Cape Breton?
The question I put before me is " Where can Gaelic be heard in Cape Breton?" and I must admit I'm depending on others to add information to this article more than what I have myself. I'll tell you some of what I know ( It's only a short article! ) but it's certain there are other events that I don't know about.
The Highland Village is the first place I thought of. A lot of Gaelic can be heard here because most of the staff speak Gaelic and they are actors in the historical houses on the site. There are days of activities organized, and weeks of teaching for children and adults… I don't have a schedule; you'll have to find out from them!
Gaelic can be heard at the Gaelic College from some of the instructors, although the staff have very little Gaelic. Gaelic songs are sung and Gaelic stories told at concerts every Wednesday evening as long as the Summer School runs, about seven weeks during July and August.
At the time of the "Festival of the Island", there's plenty of Gaelic at many events throughout the week. This takes place about the end of August and I would advise going there. You'll get the real taste of Gaelic here.
There's another festival in October, "Celtic Colours" and there are many musicians from all over the Celtic world in attendance. Workshops are offered every day, with a chance to hear and learn a little Gaelic also. And the music!
Outside of these places ( And I'm absolutely sure I've forgotten some, forgive me. ), Gaelic can be heard, although not often, in many places. A friend of mine told me he heard a group of teenagers talking Gaelic outside a dance hall one night. And wherever Gaelic speakers happen to meet, it's certain Gaelic will be the language they're speaking.
The thing is, you could unwittingly go past people with beautiful Gaelic, and they not knowing you'd like to hear it. If you REALLY want to hear Gaelic, I'd suggest you wear a t-shirt with something like, " Will you speak Gaelic to me? " written on it. If I see it, I'll speak to you anyway!
Chlachan Gàidhealach / Highland Village
a' Cholaisde Ghàidhlig / Gaelic College
Féis an Eilein / Festival of the Island
Celtic Colours