Mary Jane & Wendy. For fans and followers of Cape Breton traditional music, this is enough information to understand we are talking about Mary Jane Lamond and Wendy MacIsaac.
These are two extremely talented artists who maintain busy solo careers.…
Since the late 1980s and early 1990s, many people from all over the world have come to learn about and appreciate the traditional music of Cape Breton Island.
Visitors from over twenty-five countries, including most American States and all Canadian…
I still recall the warm February day many years ago, when my mother-in-law explained The Faoillich to me.
It was the dead of winter. But after endless weeks of bone-chilling winds and daily snow squalls that turned into blizzards, the…
‘S e rud fìor aosda a th’ ann am meatailt feòdar. Fhuaras am pìos a ‘s sine a ‘s aithne dhuinn dheth ann an uaigh Éipheiteach a’ dol air ais gu 1450 RC. ‘Sann cianail sean a tha sin! Bidh…
Mur an cuala sibh an t-ainm “Còig” gu ruige seo, tha mi làn cinnteach gun cluinn. ‘S e seo buidheann ciùil ùr anns a bheil cearthrar òigridh ás an eilean Cheap Breatainn agus aonar o ‘n mhór-thìr Albainn Nuaidh.
The Highland Village is an outdoor living history that tells the story of Gaelic settlement in Nova Scotia. The Village is located in Iona, Cape Breton and will be an exciting place to be during the Celtic Colours International Festival…
Just how much fun did Phil Cunningham have at the Celtic Colours festival?
“I had to go to the hospital for a smile-ectomy when I got home!” (Cape Breton Post 2002)
In my last blog I mentioned that the Celtic…
Many lovers of Celtic music make repeat visits to Cape Breton Island every October to attend the Celtic Colours International Festival. They come from every Province & Territory in Canada, most American States and 25-30 other countries.
For nine days…
Seven years ago, Maurice Fowler was searching his family tree. Sitting at his computer in his home in Australia, he typed his great-great grandfather’s name into the search bar. What happened next would spark a trek halfway around the globe…
Bho mo chiad chuimhne bha baile fearainn aig mo phàrantan – bó, caoraich, cearcan agus gàrradh. Gheibheamaid éisg bho ‘n chòbh le lìontan agus giomaich le cliabhan. Bha iomadh baile fearainn ‘sa choimhearsnachd an uair sin ach bha ‘ad uile…