Blog Archive

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Blog Archive

Our Posts

My Celtic Heart is Bursting with Pride – Cape Breton Receives More Accolades

My Celtic heart is beating with pride today as Destination Canada, an organization whose goal it is to increase awareness of Canada in the Nordic Countries, recently released its list of the top 10 attraction sites in Canada. Cape Breton’s Cabot Trail was ranked fourth on the list and cited these reasons for the ranking:


Ladies and Gentlemen: Please Welcome New Celtic Heart Blogger Max MacDonald

Thank you. Thank you very much! My name is Max MacDonald and I was born and raised on Cape Breton Island.  Many don’t realize that in order to qualify for Cape Breton citizenship, you are required to live and work for a while in either Ontario or Alberta. I did my time in Toronto but Lake Ontario was no Atlantic Ocean and no one greets you by name or waves from a passing car on Yonge Street. The other thing I missed terribly was the music…. ah the beautiful, soulful music of Cape Breton.


Celtic Heart Proud to Welcome Max MacDonald to Blog Team

Music is a huge part of Cape Breton's Celtic culture and much of our history is shared through song. The Celtic Heart of North America wants to share our music and history and is pleased to welcome Max MacDonald to the blog team.


Gaelic College has much to offer children

A’Cholaisde Ghàidhlig / The Gaelic College is St. Ann's proudly offers programming in Gaelic language, culture and music for all ages. The College places particular importance on its role of educating the next generation of Gaelic singers and speakers.


Taobh Tuath Cheap Breatainn / Northern Cape Breton

Air taobh tuath an eilein Cheap Breatainn tha àiteachan mar Iongoinis, Ceap Nòr, Inbhir Pheofharain, Bàgh Naomh Loireans, agus eile. Smaoinichidh mi uaireannan gun téid an dio-chuimhn' air an còrr dhe 'n eilean air sgàth 's gu bheil iad car fada air falbh agus dà bheinn eadarainn.


Happy New Year from the Celtic Heart of North America

Bliadhna Mhath Ùr. Everyone at the Celtic Heart of North of America would like to wish you and yours a very Happy New Year. We look forward to another year of sharing the Celtic culture of Cape Breton with you. We are very proud of our Celtic Heart blog. Our bloggers are passionate about Cape Breton Island’s culture and are ready to share their unique views and experiences. I’d like to introduce you to two of the Celtic Heart’s bloggers:


Cainnt Mo Mhàthar / My Mother's Speech

Bho chionn beagan bhliadhnaichean chaidh làrach lìn a chuir air bonn, "Cainnt Mo Mhàthar". Rùnaich grunn de dhaoine gum biodh e feumail cainnt agus cuimhneachan nan seann daoine Ghàidealach ann an Ceap Breatainn a ghléidheadh do na linntean ri teachd. Nach ann ceart a bha iad!


Our Celtic experience partners

Look out for our Experiences Map, available Island-wide