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Highland Village Museum/An Clachan Gàidhealach Launches Scotch Music Series

Nova Scotia Highland Village is holding its inaugural three part Scotch Music Series this year over the months of August and September.


Lights, Camera, Action!

Earlier this summer, my family and I were asked to take part in a video shoot for the Cape Breton Centre for Craft and Design. What an honour! I will admit I was a little nervous to be on camera and worried about how my two young daughters would behave in a glass studio (eek). But, being a big fan of Cape Breton artisans and the lovely folks at the Centre for Craft and Design, I jumped at the opportunity to participate.


The Chieftains: The Wheel is Come Full Circle

“The work itself has a complete circle of meaning and counterpoint. And without your involvement as a viewer, there is no story." Anish Kapoor We all have certain dates that hold special meaning for us. It is usually birthdays, anniversaries and the like. October 10, 1997 is one of those dates for me. After a year and a half of living in a world where two steps forward and one step back was the norm, this was the opening night of the first Celtic Colours International Festival.


An Drochaid Eadarainn / The Bridge Between Us

Bho chionn ghreis chaidh làrach-lìn ùr a chuir air an eadarlìon, An Drochaid Eadarainn mar ainm. 'S e proiseact mór a tha seo, le fios air iomadh cuspair ceangailte ri dualchas Gàidhealach an Eilein Cheap Breatainn, ceòl 'is dannsa 's msaa. Cha b' urrainn dhomh ceartas a dheanamh dha 'n làrach lìn uile gu léir agus air sgàth gur i a' Ghàidhlig 'na prìomh ùigh a th' agamsa ann, cumaidh mi ris a' roinn sin dheth.


A Day at Highland Village

I recently had the good fortune of spending a day at the Highland Village in Iona. My mom and two girls joined me for a trip back in time to a living history museum and cultural centre that celebrates the Gaelic experience in Nova Scotia for settlers from the mid 1700’s through to the early 1900’s.


Yessss!…. Meeting John Allan Cameron

The great Cape Breton troubadour, John Allan Cameron (1938-2006), once told me he never wanted to be called a legend because people would no longer want to pay him to perform. He said this with a large John Allan smile but as I later came to discover, he was already somewhat of a victim to this scenario. He was doing dozens of benefit concerts across the country every year, often paying his own expenses.


Brìgh an Òrain / The Essence of the Song

Chaidh iarraidh orm o chionn ghreis an t-òran " Biodh an Deoch Seo 'n Làimh Mo Rùin", mar a ghabhas Julie Fowlis e, a theagasg ann an clas òrain agam. Dh' éisd mi ris an òran air Youtube agus chuala mi seòl air nach cuala mi roimhe, ach chòrd e rium gu mór.


And the Word for Today is… Brilliant

It’s interesting how language is influenced and changes over time. I started travelling to Scotland in the mid 90’s and loved hearing the shopkeepers say “cheers” when they handed over my purchase. Ten years later I began to hear the same in Nova Scotia.


Summer Solstice – Cape Breton Style

It's was a beautiful day in Cape Breton today. And it seems even nicer now that summer is officially here! Today marked summer solstice, the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. And this year summer solstice comes a day early since it's a leap year.


Fearas-chuideachd / Pastimes

Tha mi smaointinn an dràsda air na geamaichean a b' àbhaist do na Gàidheil a bhith cluich, dà dhuibh gu sònraichte a bhios 'gan cluich (ged nach b' ionann an cruth an còmhnuidh) an diugh.


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