This is a archive of all our old blog posts. Feel free to browse through them
In my last blog I told you about the Celtic Colours Festival Club. While you never know exactly what might happen on any given night at the Club, there has been one constant every night since the beginning in 1997. That constant is also the glue that holds the club together, host T.R. Buddy MacDonald.
MoreNext week for the second year in a row, Cape Breton will be the scene of some spectacular arts and culture. Now... arts and culture certainly aren't new to Cape Breton since we're known all over the world for our art, culture and music... but Lumière puts a whole new spin on things!
MoreSaturday morning marks a new season and Fall is definitely in the air! I was in Baddeck yesterday and Port Hawkesbury two days before that and the trees are starting to show off their brilliant hues. But don't worry, there is still a lot to do here on Cape Breton Island.
MoreMy Father used to use the term, “A Pig In a Poke” to warn me to always carefully examine something before I bought it to be sure of its value. An example would be taking a used car for a test drive before buying it. Sage advice from my Dad. How then, does this explain people lining up to pay $20 to attend an entertainment event where they don’t even know who is going to perform that night? This has been happening for 15 years at the Festival Club of the Celtic Colours International Festival.
MoreBithear a cantainn gu bheil timchioll air còig ceud duine ann an Ceap Breatainn aig a bheil Gàidhlig. Chan eil dad a dh' fhios 'am dé cho ceart no ceàrr a tha sin, ach tha mi cinnteach gu bheil e uamhasach duilich a bhith cinnteach ás an àireamh sin.
MoreSaoilidh mi gu tric cho tlachdmhor 's a tha e bhith 'g obair ann an saoghal na Gàidhlig, agus 's e a' phrìomh aobhar a th' ann na daoine gasda ris an tachair thu. Mar a bhios mi teagasg na Gàidhlig air loidhne leis an Acadamaidh Gàidhlig an Atlantaig, cuiridh mi an aithne air iomadh duine á àiteachan céin, eadar Aimeiriaga a Tuath, Roinn Eòrpa, an Deas Roinn agus Aisia - agus a h-uile neach aca ri ionnsachadh na Gàidhlig!
MoreIt is said that you can’t judge a book by its cover but, in my opinion, you can judge a place by its people. In the past few months, Cape Breton lost two wonderful artists. Carol Kennedy was a gifted photographer but also a wife, mother, actor, force of nature and friend to all. Like most artists, Carol had very little in the way of health or insurance coverage.
MoreMa shuidh sibh riamh ag éisdeachd ri sgeul 'ga h-innse, no ma dh' éisd sibh ri Stiùbhart Mac 'Illeathain air a' ChBC, bidh làn fhios agaibh air cho tlachdmhor 'sa tha e sgeul tarruingeach a chluinntinn aig seanchaidh coileanta seach a leughadh no a faicinn mar fhiolm.