This is a archive of all our old blog posts. Feel free to browse through them
For 36 years he’s performed on over 100 records, toured a good part of the world and performed with a who’s who of Canadian folk musicians. He’s a musical director, teacher, guitar and fiddle player. He’s an arranger, producer and musical director.
MoreI have a confession. I have been afflicted by a serious condition that has just been diagnosed. Now it’s not life threatening, unless of course I talk too much and then it is potentially life threatening. You see, I have the “Gaelic Gasp.”
MoreWhen I worked in the festival world people would often ask what my real or full time job was. I guess this is understandable if you've never looked behind the scenes at a music festival. All most people see is a public explosion of activity for a short period of time. In fact, the cycle of fundraising, planning, promotion, production and reporting on the results of a major festival goes on year round.
MoreI was fortunate to recently receive a recording of my Grandmother reciting a couple of poems. Charlotte Reid McConnell was born in 1887 and lived a full life until she reached 100 years of age. I spent all my summers with her as a boy and have great memories of those times. Still, it is difficult to describe how wonderful it is to be able to hear her voice again and how thankful I am to the person who had the foresight to make the tape.
MoreAnd welcome 2013. This is a big year for many of our Celtic Heart partners. The Gaelic College celebrates its 75th anniversary this year and has a number of events and activities lined up to help celebrate. To keep up to date on all the festivities, visit or find the Gaelic College on Facebook. If one of your New Years resolutions is to finally learn Gaelic, then you are in luck!
MoreNach neònach mar a thig air uairean co-chruinneachadh de thachartan a chuireas smaointean duine air rathad àraid? 'Sann mar sin a tha e air a bhith dhomhsa o chionn ghreis.
MoreTha mi toilichte fhaicinn mar a bhios saoghal nan Gaidheal beag air bheag a' meudachadh a thaobh nan gnothach ris am bi sinn. Mar a théid sinn air adhart 'san fhicheadamh linn 's a h-aon, tha mi creidsinn gum bi cor na Gàidhlig gu math eisimeileach air ciamar a ghabhas ( no nach gabhas ) sinn greim air na cothroman a bhios romhainn.
MoreCape Breton is justifiably well known for its traditional music players. We have many world class fiddlers, piano players & singers who perform internationally. However, when I was writing a previous blog about Buddy MacDonald, I was reminded of the depth of songwriting talent that this tiny beautiful island has produced as well. We seem to have an unusually high number of musicians for our population and the same can be said for songwriters.
MoreAs I sit here at home, again watching the Celtic Colours International Festival live stream, I am in awe of what it takes to pull off a nine day festival with 45 concerts, more than 50 communities, hundreds of artists, 250 cultural events and thousands of volunteers. Thankfully, organizational excellence like this does not go unrecognized.