This is a archive of all our old blog posts. Feel free to browse through them
As a World-renowned fiddler, a Grammy© nominated recording artist,a farmer and a mother of a growing family, Natalie MacMaster is quite the multi-tasker these days. Add to that list author and publisher and you can see how busy and accomplished she really is. On a warm Saturday evening during a recent trip home, Natalie invited friends, family and fans to the Celtic Music Interpretive Centre in Judique to help her celebrate the launch of her book CAPE BRETON AIRE The Story of a Musical Life and Place.
More“Gaelic Mouth Music”. Here in Cape Breton, we are not afforded the luxury of hearing a lot of this type of musical expression in the Gaelic language. It is yet another dimension of song and dance that demonstrates a very fun, lively expression of a very real Gaelic culture.
MoreChan e Cainnt Shasannaich a th' Innte! 'S dòcha gum bi daoin' a' smaointinn nach bi anns a' Ghàidhlig ach fuaimnean eile airson an aon chuid de smaointinn a bhiodh aig duine 'sa Bheurla, no ann an cànan sam bith eile. Ach chan ann fìor a tha sin. Bidh smaointinnean sònraichte agus dòighean-smaoinichidh diofairichte anns a' h-uile chànain, agus bidh roinn dhiubh gu math eadar-dhealaichte bho chéile.
MoreBelieve it or not, there are a number of schools now in Nova Scotia, particularly in Cape Breton, who are offering courses in the Gaelic language. These courses are part of the schools’ curriculum and contribute greatly to the preservation of Scottish Gaelic in our tiny communities of Cape Breton while opening the door of opportunity to the youth who are so privileged to attend these educational institutions.
MoreCape Breton Island's renowned Celtic Colours International Festival begins today and runs for the next nine days in venues throughout the island. There are still tickets available to some of the performances, but you should act fast to get yours, as most will sell out. For a taste of what you can expect from the Celtic Colours Festival, here's a link to a sampler video: Hope to see you there!
MoreMar a chanas an seanfhacal, " 'S iomadh rud a thig air laogh air nach do shaoil a mhàthair." Agus 's iomadh rud a tha tachair ann an Ceap Breatainn a thaobh na Gàidhlig na laithean air nach smaoineachadh daoine bho chionn fichead bliadhna.
MoreBho chionn bliadhnaichean gun àireamh cha robh ach aon tìr-mhór air an domhainn, air ainm "Pangea". 'Nuair nach robh ach Pangea air aghaidh an t-saoghail, bha Alba agus Alba Nuadh taobh ri taobh, còmhla ri chéile. Mar a thòisich an Cuan Siar ri leudachadh, rinn e dealachadh air an dà àite gus an diugh tha iad gu math fada far a chéile.
MoreWinter has come to an end. This is the first post "from away." I will struggle to capture for you what it is like to encounter Cape Breton Island, some 41 years ago for the first time, and what it is like to be completely enthralled for the last decade.
MoreDriving across from mainland Nova Scotia over the Canso Causeway, the sign on the bridge says "Welcome to Cape Breton." For the eighth time in ten years, my eyes tear up, my heart leaps, and I am back in this very special place, so dear to us. We are "from away," from New England, my husband Dan and me. We are not "Capers," but we know we are where we want to be.
MoreGiven the opportunity many would “pack the truck” and “get away” for the weekend. After all, that seems to be the thing to do, right? Pack up the kids, spend hours preparing suitcases and entertainment for them for the drive, don’t’ forget the snacks, dvds and water bottles……….Been there, done that, will likely do it again, but not this summer.