Tha Oidhche Shamhna a’ tighinn dlùth a nis agus bidh tachartasan ann an iomadh baile ‘is coimhearsnachd. Mar eisimpleir bidh Oidhche nam Bòcan aig a’ Chlachan Ghàidhealach agus bidh Cuairt le Lòchran aig an Daingneach Louisburg.
Bha Oidhche Shamhna aig…
The Order of Canada is the centrepiece of Canada’s honours system and recognizes a lifetime of outstanding achievement, dedication to the community and service to the nation.
Cape Breton songwriter, musician and author Allister MacGillivray was recently named to the…
'Nuair a thàinig na Gàidheil gu Ceap Breatainn air thùs, is furasda fhaicinn nach robh iad idir measail air an àite. Mar a sgrìobh am bàrd Mac 'Illeathain, " 'S i seo an dùthaich 's a bheil an cruadal" agus…
Rachel Davis is a gifted, hard working young Cape Breton Fiddler. Rachel first came to my attention in 2009 as the recipient of the Frank “Big Sampy” Sampson Award, which is sponsored by the Celtic Colours Festival Volunteer Drive’ers Association.…
Thòisich mi ris a' Ghàidhlig a theagasg ann an naoi ceud deug ceithir fichead 's a sia deug ann am Baile nan Gall, Ceap Breatainn, trì mìosan deug an déidh dhomh tòiseachadh r' a h-ionnsachadh. Tro na bliadhnaichean eadar sin…
Colaisde Na Gàidhlig / The Gaelic College is located in St. Ann’s, Nova Scotia and was founded in 1938. For the past 75 years the Gaelic College has celebrated and taught the Gaelic language and culture.
This would be a…
Trì cheud bliadhna bhuaithe seo bha Eilean Cheap Breatainn fo smachd nam Frangach agus 's dòcha gur ann bhuapa-san a fhuair sinn an t-ainm "Ceap Breatainn" ach cha chreid mi gu bheil cinnt aig duine sam bith a thaobh sin.…
Stephen Muise is a music educator, choir director, band leader, technical director and freelance touring piano player. He’s one seriously talented, busy guy! I found out first hand a few years ago why he in such demand. We were mounting…
Tha Mìos na Gàidhlig a' tighinn dlùth ann an Alba Nuaidh. 'S e sin mìos 'nuair a nìthear greadhnachas ann an iomadh dòigh air sgàth na Gàidhlig, staid na Gàidhlig mar a tha e an diugh agus a h-uile h-oidhirp…
The East Coast Music Association (ECMA) is a regional collaboration of people in the music industry of Atlantic Canada. It is best known to the public for the series of awards handed out at the annual celebration that travels around…